
The SIA has produced a series of videos to help consumers understand the benefits of modern Ecodesign Ready stoves, the importance of using dry wood and a guide on how best to light your stove.

Your burning questions answered

The following video from Certainly Wood, features a Q&A session with Nic Snell of Certainly Wood and SIA Chair, Morley Sage. In it they discuss recent media articles about wood burning stoves and take a look behind the headlines, setting out the real facts about wood burning stoves. The interview also covers what the stove industry is doing to help improve air quality through technical advances that boost appliance efficiency and reduce particulate emissions.

You can watch the video in full by following this link

Cleaner burning fires & less emissions using Ecodesign Ready stoves

Demonstrating the importance of using Ecodesign Ready stoves for better efficiency and lower emissions.

SIA Ecodesign Ready stoves can cut particulate emissions by up to 90% compared to an open fire.

SIA Wood Burning Stoves Misconceptions

With a number of common misconceptions around wood burning stoves it can be hard to separate fact from fiction.

This helpful animated video explores some of these common misconceptions, explains the real facts and show why wood burning stoves are low carbon, sustainable heating solutions that home owners can be proud of.

The Importance of sustainably sourced Woodsure ‘Ready to Burn’ firewood

The perfect fire needs the right wood to burn. Wet wood causes smoke and produces less heat meaning you use more fuel. Using dry wood with moisture content below 20% will minimise emissions and give a cleaner, hotter burn. DEFRA and the Stove Industry Alliance fully support the ‘Ready to Burn’ scheme whose logs are guaranteed to be less than 20% moisture content and sourced from sustainable woodland.

Both hard wood or soft wood can be burned but note that hard wood will give up to twice as much heat for the same volume. Dry fire wood is harvested and kiln dried as part of good woodland management and is fully sustainable.

How to create the perfect fire using an Ecodesign Ready stove

Ecodesign Ready stoves provide a clean and highly efficient source of heat. Using wood dried to below 20% moisture content ensures less smoke and produces more heat.

Look for the Ready to Burn logo which guarantees this low moisture content. This video shows you how to quickly light your stove and keep it burning efficiently.